Durch eine Sumpfvegetaton führt ein Holzsteg, auf dem eine Frau zu Fuß´und ein Mann im Rollstuhl von uns Weg spazieren.

Classification "Wheelie-Path"

Hiking trails suitable for wheelchairs generally run along hiking trails as defined by the Tyrolean hiking and mountain trail concept. The same definition applies accordingly, but other parameters are also decisive for wheelchair-accessible hiking trails. The classification into easy, moderately difficult and difficult wheelchair-accessible trails is intended to represent a further milestone on the way to an inclusive Tyrolean recreational area. 


What is wheelchair accessibility?

Due to the fact that accessibility is not possible in recreational areas according to ÖNorm 1600, the term “wheelchair accessibility” is used in connection with hiking trails.

The term “wheelchair accessibility” refers to the condition of a path that generally allows wheelchair access or similar.

Depending on the level of difficulty, however, certain aids may be necessary.

Objectives of the classification

  • Clear guidelines for construction by means of construction standards
  • Improved quantitative range of paths
  • Improving quality of paths and ensuring a uniform standard
  • Incentive for municipalities and tourism associations to become active
  • Basis for funding processes 

The difficulty classes

Similar to the Tyrolean hiking and mountain trail concept, wheelchair-accessible hiking trails should also be divided into

  • easy = blue
  • moderately difficult = red and
  • difficult = black - to make it easier to select a suitable trail.

At the start of a wheelchair-accessible hiking trail, the difficulty classes are displayed on an exit- and information board. More details on the difficulty classes can be found here. 
