Touring region Obertilliach
Obertilliach - the picturesque mountain village - has made a name for itself in recent years as a destination for ski touring, although it is still mainly locals who ski here.
A project to steer ski tours has become necessary here because the forests in this region have suffered greatly in recent years due to windthrow, snow breakage and bark beetles. As a result, many open areas have been created on which new protective forest should grow as quickly as possible. Our protection zones are primarily intended to support the regeneration of the forest in the vicinity of the village.
Protected sites and species
According to the principles of the "Tyrolean Ski and Snowboard Touring Concept", the partners in the project "Ski Touring Region Obertilliach" have agreed on three protected areas whose protection zones should be voluntarily avoided by ski mountaineers.
We pay special attention to the forest damage areas that have arisen as a result of the extreme weather events of recent years.
The three subjects of protection in Obertilliach are:
Digital map
The exact location of the protection zones for forest and wildlife that we have agreed in the working group can be found here.
An den frequentiertesten Ausgangspunkten von Obertilliach wurden Panoramatafeln aufgestellt, in der die bekanntesten Skitouren und die Schutzzonen für Wildtiere und Wald dargestellt sind. Die plastisch dargestellten 3D-Panoramen informieren auch über die Schutzgüter und Verhaltensregeln, die bei der Bewegung im winterlichen Hochgebirge zum Schutz von Wald und Wild wichtig sind.
Die Infos zur Notfallausrüstung, der Notfall App und der Link zum Lawinenlagebericht kommen von unserem Partner der Bergrettung Tirol.
Conservation areas are marked in open country only at locations where there is direct contact with a ski tour. The directional arrows, which make it possible to bypass or go round, are only used very sparingly. The signs in general are restricted to the area below the tree line.
The direction signs do not mean that the proposed routes are safe from avalanches and other natural hazards. It is the ski mountaineers’ responsibility to make this assessment themselves.
The “Obertilliach Ski Tour Region” working party
With the Tyrolean Ski and Snowboard Tour Plan, it has been particularly important to us that all stakeholders should have an equal say about all measures and be able to voice their concerns. In the Obertilliach working party we have so far been very successful in achieving this and hope that, by virtue of the wide range of stakeholders, all interests have been considered in a balanced way.
Represented in the working party are:
- Communities
- Landowners and mountain railways
- Alpine club, local tourers and mountain guides
- Tourism association
- Local hunters
- Forestry authority
- Administration Province of Tyrol

Klaus Pietersteiner
Province of Tyrol - Department for Forestry Conservation
Bürgerstr. 36, 6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43 512 508 4605